National Birth Defects Prevention Month

The NBDPN Education and Outreach Committee has developed materials and resources to assist state program staff and others interested in promoting birth defects prevention during 'January is Birth Defects Prevention Month'.

Prior National Birth Defects Prevention Month Materials are available here.


Each year, the committee selects a theme to highlight a specific risk factor or defect. Previously used brochures and fact sheets are available to non-members for the preceding three years. These resources can be used at any time.  All additional prior years are available to members as part of the file archive.


Additional Birth Defects Prevention Materials

  • 10 things you should know about birth defects (English, Spanish )
  • 5 things you should know about congenital heart defects (English/Spanish )
  • Birth Defects Prevention Pamphlet (English )
  • Birth Defects Prevention Pamphlet (Spanish )
  • Birth Defects Prevention Month Poster: January is BDPM (English/Spanish )
  • Birth Defects Prevention Month Poster: Now is the time (English/Spanish )
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