ICD-10-CM and Birth Defects

Code Translations
(Revisions made August, 2023)

NOTE: These revisions incorporate changes made to Chapter 17 of the ICD-10-CM code, effective as of October 1, 2022. All changes are highlighted in the documents.
  • TIMELINE OF ICD-10-CM CHANGES [Excel file, 8/2023]
This code translation was developed for the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) as a tool for programs that desire to use it. It is intended to encourage consistency in coding and reporting to NBDPN across programs that data coded in ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM.

Note: While this translation includes every ICD-9-CM code in the congenital malformations chapter, it does not necessarily contain every ICD-10-CM code for birth defects because the translation from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM is not one-to-one. This document should not be used to translate ICD-10-CM codes to ICD-9-CM. To do this, use the separate document "ICD10 to 9 Translation" available below.

The translation provides all possible ICD-10-CM code alternatives for each ICD-9-CM code:
1) For programs that code defects manually, the ICD-10-CM code that most closely matches the description of the defect should be used.
2) For programs that do not code manually, a "D" is provided in the "Default Code" column to indicate the suggested ICD-10-CM code to be used when more than one can apply. A result of use of this default can be that the alternative ICD-10-CM codes for specific defects may not include all cases of those defects that were included under a more general ICD-9-CM code.

Please submit any questions, corrections, or suggestions to Jan Cragan (JCragan@cdc.gov) in the Birth Defects Branch at CDC. We will post updated versions of the translation when changes need to be made.
  • Webinar Part #1 – February 2014 [PDF of Presentation]
    • Reasons for the change to ICD-10-CM coding
    • Differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM for birth defects
    • How the transition to ICD-10-CM will affect surveillance programs
    • Steps that programs should take to prepare for the transition
    • Tips, tools, and resources for achieving a successful transition
  • Webinar Part #2 – April 2014 [PDF of Presentation]
    • Review of ICD-10-CM codes for birth defects, issues and problems
    • Use of the code translations from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM and back developed for NBDPN
  • Webinar Part #3 – [PDF of Presentation]
    • Review of the CDC expansion of ICD-10-CM for birth defects coding
  • Implementation Plan Template [Word Template]
    • The ICD-10-CM Implementation Plan template is designed as a tool to assist birth defects programs organize their ICD-10-CM transition plan